Friday, June 6, 2014

OT Training 6.6.14

Today was a rough day. I thought after a good run yesterday and my legs feeling pretty good that I would have a better day today with my long swim and long bike ride, but boy was I wrong. My first few laps in the pool were met with the feeling of my legs being really tired and I knew it was going to be a long morning.

At the beginning the swim wasn't all that good. I was barely able to get through my three 100 freestyles and had a tough time getting my legs going with my first three 50 freestyles. I think I kind of got into a groove as my other three sets of 50's (kick, pull, swim) weren't too bad and I was getting through them in pretty good time. Since I wanted to add 100 yards on to the end of this from Wednesday I did two more each of the kicks, pulls and swim to give me an even 1,200 yards for the day. A good stepping stone but it was a really tough pool workout.

My bike ride was much the same. I was supposed to go around 107 minutes today but I actually ended up riding 115 minutes and coming just short of two hours. The legs didn't feel overly great on the steady uphill climb from Freeport towards Butler and after I turned around I expected it to be pretty easy since it would mostly be downhill. It wasn't. I was pretty tired around mile 20 and that would have been alright if I was only biking 20 miles. I actually was doing just over 28 miles so that made things a little longer than I had anticipated.

I am glad I went a little longer on each and got them done but it was not a fun workout day. I will say that I am taking full advantage of my off day tomorrow and tonight I am going to be relaxing by going to the Pirates game with some friends. That is a good reward for the hard work this week. After my long run on Sunday I will have nearly trained for 12 hours and 100 miles on the week. There is still a long way to go but I am on the right path. I think.

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