Monday, June 2, 2014

OT Training 6.2.14

After missing my easy swimming and biking day last week I was back at it again today. I should be able to get in a full week of workouts this week which would be something I haven't been overly able to do recently. Before I went out today I made sure that I was sticking to the plan I had and it turns out that I was a week off. The distances I was supposed to do this week I actually did last week. So, in turn I think I am going to repeat my workout from last week and get myself back on schedule. I guess that gave me some extra work but who knows if it really meant anything.

I started with swimming today and ended up doing 1,000 yards in the pool. It took me a little over a half hour to do which was a little slower than how long it took me to do the same distance on Friday. That wasn't really a concern for me as I focused a little more today on my technique. In talking with some people that have watched me swim at the pool they have said I am using too much upper body when I swim and that I am not using enough legs. This is getting me more tired on my laps and not letting me get enough out of my swim.

Anyways, I worked on closing my finger on my hand and keeping my upper half quiet and pulling more when my stroke comes through the water. I have been really "punching" the water and with my fingers spread apart it is not helping me pull my body, therefore making me use a lot more energy than I need.

I was able to focus on that a little more and use my legs to generate some more power and I think it went pretty well. I kept my same schedule as I had on Friday with a little variance. I started with a pair of 200 freestyles followed by my regular rounds of 4x3 sets of 50's with swimming, kicking, pulling, and swimming. I then finished with a 50 of kicking and pulling and a pair of 50 freestyles.

I went down to the trail for my bike ride. It went pretty well as my average speed was as fast as it has been in some time. I ended up going 16.3 miles in 1:06:13 which averaged 14.8 mph. Pretty much the same story as every time I am on the trail, the first half of the ride was a gradual uphill where I averaged about 13.5 mph but on the way back, which was more downhill, I was averaging around 16.5 mph.

Solid workout today. My legs were pretty sore from my run yesterday but as I have said before a lot of this is mental as well as physical so it is good to power through these when I don't feel like exercising.

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